Friday, April 12, 2013

The Meaning of Life

     There is a huge societal expectation that we are all born for a reason. We must do something in our life that will benefit the world around us, even if it is just a small accomplishment. There is no way you can live your life in all pleasure, at some point in life you must settle down and do something meaningful.

     I see nothing wrong with this assumption personally. I agree that everyone one day needs to settle down, and grow up. We can't be teenagers forever. There comes a time in your life when  you can no longer so partying every weekend. You have more important things to deal with.

     At the same time, I do not believe everyone needs to accomplish something huge in their life. Honestly, we are not born for some special divine reason. We exist simply because our parents chose to conceive us. I do not believe in destiny, and there is no one goal that our entire life lives up to. 

     We like to believe this as a society though. If we had no reason to live, then why would we be here? We need an excuse, some kind of reason for why things happen. I think that's the basis of most religions. God created us for a reason and we must live and find that reason for ourselves. But what if there is no reason? What if we are here purely by accident?

     I think a lot of people struggle with this concept. What is the point of life? Why bother live any more if there is no real meaning to life. I personally do not have this answer. I ask myself all the time "What is the meaning of life?". But there is no right or wrong answers. There are only theories. 

     What do you believe?



  1. 42! The answer is 42! Seriously though, I think there is no meaning to life. We just live because we are. The fact that life even exists is pretty amazing itself, so why do we need more? Not everyone is going to make a massive impact in the world.

  2. I think it's nice to think there's a meaning to life when you honestly don't know what else to live for, but i don't think it's particularly necessary otherwise. People are just here--there's no way to explain that any more than there is to how the earth was created or why toast always lands butter-side down. It is what it is, and that's all it is, as far as i'm concerned.

  3. I am actual of the belief that their is a reason for life, and that we are created for a reason. It is difficult to always see the reason, but some accomplishments in life are bigger than others. This doesn't mean that people should just give up and accept that they have some purpose. But it does mean that nobody is an accident.

  4. I don't believe that everyone's life is pre-planned and laid out by fate - I believe we have choice and free will to control our own destinies. But I don't believe that life is pointless - I think we have to make ourselves a reason/purpose.
