Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dare To Be Yourself

     Throughout my Blog I have talked about a bunch of different social expectations. The big question now is, "what do we do about it?".

     The sad part is, you will never be able to escape the expectation and judgement of society. The most you can do is try to ignore it. If you do not care than people will be less likely to bug you about it.

     It doesn't matter how old you or what you look like, or what you believe in; society has no right to have certain expectations of you. You are an unique individual. Nobody should be forced to be someone they are not.

     It is scary to think of everyone changing to fit in with societal expectations. A world like that would be too boring, too formulaic. There has to be a sense of wonder and interest in the world. If you could know exactly how someone would act based on social expectations. it takes all the fun away from discovering a person for yourself.

     You should be the judge of what you think of someone, not what society thinks. The only way you can escape society expectations is to not fall for them yourself. Ever heard of the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? It is true. Everyone is unique. It is your job to prove society wrong. Don't judge anyone until you have had an actual conversation with them. Get to know them a bit before deciding what you think of them.

     It is important to remember that you will be judged. You will be ridiculed for what you like or what you believe in at some point in your life. The trick is not letting this change you. So what if someone doesn't like you? That's their problem, not yours. You should never change who you are just to fit in with society.

     Chances are, there is someone like you that you do not know about. Just because society judges you as something, does not mean that everyone will judge you the same way. You have to trust in the fact there are others out there like you, that won't force you to be anyone but yourself.

     As you should be.



  1. Those kittens are so adorable. Anyway, I think the idea of being your own self is more accepted now. It's even encouraged more now in tv shows, cartoons and movies. Oh and don't forget books. So, hopefully in the near future this won't be as big of a problem.

  2. I agree with Paulina on this one. It seems like society as a whole has moved a little bit away from conformity (see the hipster movement, etc.) and I have high hopes for future generations. Walls are being broken to the point that, seeing them enforced makes us sick. Think about people who are blatantly homophobic today and how the majority of society views them. A few decades ago, it was the norm to be intolerant of gay people.

  3. Yeah I think everyone knows that they SHOULD be themself and not caring, the difficulty is actually making yourself do that. Hopefully we just become more and more accepting
