Friday, April 5, 2013

Personal Morals

     What are the forced morals of your society?

     In some countries it is completely against a culture’s morals to have an abortion. In our society, it is a justified act. There are many places you can go in North America to get an abortion. If you are under age, you don’t even need parent’s permission. It is completely your choice. Though, some people in our society disagree with abortion; it is still a very common occurrence in our society.

     But isn't it murder? Why is it in our society we can ignore our morals in certain cases? Again, society bends the rules in a way that is convenient for it. It doesn't matter if we believe that murder is wrong. We still justified mercy killing, and abortion. These things are okay, but cold blooded murder isn't  I honestly do not understand this.

     Some may argue that a fetus is not a living being and therefore it is not murder, but why is it up to you to say that something is or is not worth living? I do not think that anyone has the right to say who is worth killing and not.

     You can have an abortion up to three months into a pregnancy. At this point the fetus already looks like a human. It has arms and legs, and a head. It may be small, but it still has the characteristics of a human. Which brings us to ask, what makes us human? Is it our ability to think? Our ability to move?

     So someone that is disability, they do not have the ability to use their brain like we do. Does that mean they should just be killed off too? When someone is no longer able to think for themselves, are they nothing but an unwanted pet?

     We have the option to say they are not worth keeping around any more if they are unable to speak for themselves. But what if they want to live? How can we know what they want? This is what makes this subject so hard to talk about. We try to do our best for them, but it is hard to know what is best if you cannot talk to that person. We just have to follow our social morals. What would society say is okay to do?

     Now, I know this is a very controversial subject, and many people will disagree with what I am saying. I encourage you to disagree with me. I'm curious to how other people, in the same society as me, view these issues. 



  1. I agree abortion is wrong. It's like the same thing as murder, but its even worse cause its a mother killing her own child. However, abortion can be a very grey issue. For instance, the child and mother's life may be endangered because of some medical condition or maybe the woman was raped. In cases like these, abortion should be an option offered for the woman. However, in many cases it gets abused. Like in gender selection.

  2. Abortion and even mercy killings are really tricky subjects and I think they have to be looked at case by case rather than as a whole, because you really can't generalize with such a tricky subject.

    I disagree, I don't believe abortion is wrong and I would not call it murder. Abortion can definitely be abused, like in gender selection as Paulina said, but I think it is impossible to make a generalization like "abortion is murder, abortion is illegal." You have to think about the mother too, not just the baby. In the case of mercy killing, if someone is chronically suffering and consciously acknowledges that they would rather pass away, that's justified. But if a young person uses mercy killing to get their inheritance money, that's very wrong.

  3. I have to say that I agree abortion is wrong. I understand that their could be unfortunate circumstances leading up to the pregnancy but I think everything happens for a reason. Often, as Paulina said, it is abused because of poor choices. Obviously I do not fully understand because of my gender. But I agree with both points in this post.

  4. I find it a difficult subject to think about. I go back and forth whether I think it is wrong or good. Obviously the people that abuse it are just stupid, it shouldn't be a form of birth control. But, at the same time I can't see how we can justify to our selves that is not murder when it is for a good reason.
