Friday, April 12, 2013

Eating on the Run

     We are human, therefore we are busy. These just go hand-in-hand. So what if you are on the run and have no time to eat? Not a problem! There are so many places you can go to get a quick bite to eat. The only thing is, we sacrifice so much for speed.

     If you look at most of the fast food places out there, they aren't very healthy. Or healthy at all. There are donut shops, and burger places, but not many places to get healthy food fast. Society expects us to live healthy, be skinny, and still be able to run around and do everything in life.

     I think this is hardest when you are a student. Often you are in school full time, as well as working part-time, a lot of the time fast food is the best option. Unfortunately there are few places to get "good" food. There are Subways, and places like Pita Pit, but these are less accessible. There are McDonald's almost every other block in bigger cities, and there are few healthy places.

     Chances are, you are closer to a McDonald's than a Subway. So we eat what is most convenient. Society cares more about what is convenient, rather than what is actually good for their health. The obesity rate has been going up and up every year because of this.

     It is more convenient to eat out, but it is healthier to pack a lunch. A good way of avoiding take out, is making extra. If you know you are not going to have time to make breakfast in the morning, or make something for lunch, make something the night before and just keep it in the fridge. Or, if you are making dinner make a little extra and just take leftovers with you. It will be a lot cheaper and a lot better for you this way.

     We are too busy to eat healthy and too busy to work out. We need to find time in our lives to slow down and start caring about ourselves. I know that most people's lives are really busy, and making time for things like your own well-being is hard, but it something that needs to be done. Being successful is important, but it means nothing without your own health.

     Hopefully this blog will make you think twice about the next time you go to a fast food restaurant! There are better options out there, trust me. Don't waste your health. The food at fast food places don't even taste very good. It is honestly just a waste of money.



  1. I think this is a time where that phrase about taking time to smell the roses or something applies. I agree with your point that people need to plan their day better. My mom seldom buys any fast food, she always cooks dinner the day before and freezes it.

  2. my mom is the same, paulina. she cooks for the week when she knows she won't have time to cook, but at the same time, things do come up unexpectedly, and sometimes i'm just craving nothing more than a greasy cheeseburger from mcdonalds. i don't think it's good that things are moving towards being so fast--it's like in shawshank redemption when brooks says "the world went and got itself in a big damn hurry." why don't we take the time to enjoy the little things anymore?

  3. I think it is fine to visit fast food restaurants some of the time, but if you are going more than once a week (which is even pushing it a bit) you really need to cut back. There are some months where I will eat fast food 6 or 7 times. Then the next two I won't go to a restaurant at all. It is all about balance. I have taken a bagged lunch almost everyday of my life and it has definitely been a good thing. Sometimes you see people who eat at Central every day and worry.

  4. I'm pretty sure that everyone realizes fast food is bad for you, but some people just don't care. It's definitely not that hard to eat healthier though so being too busy should not be an excuse! And I agree, so many people are so busy these days and it's important to just slow down and take some time to enjoy life.
