Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Should You Tip?

     What makes certain jobs more tip-able than other jobs? Why does society tell you a waitress at a restaurant deserves a tip, but the cashier at Wal-Mart doesn't? Why should you tip anyway?

     Waitresses make minimum wage just like cashiers do, and cashiers work just as hard as waitresses. So why is it fair that waitresses get tips? It's not just that waitresses get tipped, but we are expected to tip. If you do not tip you are seen as a bad customer.

     People can argue that they work hard to make their living and they deserve their tips. I do not think this is a good enough reason to make a tip. It is your job to work hard; it is what you are getting minimum wage for, so you do not need any extra money from customers on top of what you already make.

     I'm not saying tipping should be outlawed or anything. That would be silly. It just bothers me that you are expected to tip for no good reason. It is bad enough that we pay taxes on everything we buy, but now we have to pay an extra 12% of our meal in tips?

     I always feel the need to tip and most of the time the waitress does not deserve it. I think tips should be held and only given unless they do such a flawless job that you think they deserve the extra cash. Unless they go above and beyond their job standards, they should not get paid above and beyond their hourly pay.

     I recently came across this video, via a close friend of mine, and it emphasizes my point. (Warning: Foul Language and Inappropriate Content)

     I agree when he says "if she doesn't make enough money she can quit". If she thinks that she does not make enough money working minimum wage without tips, then she should find a different, better paying, job. I know this is not always possible. But he is right when he says that these ladies aren't starving, they are making enough money.

     I just do not feel the need to tip just because society says that some jobs are worthy of getting tips and that some are not. Everyone works hard, there are a lot of jobs for difficult than being a waitress, yet we do not tip these people. It is our money and it should go to whom and what deserves it. Sometimes that dollar tip would be better in my pocket than in the waitress's.



  1. I do not understand the point of tipping. I understand if it's for wonderful customer service, but other than that why? Isn't paying for the meal sufficient? Tipping is actually against the law in China and Taiwan.

  2. I had to do some research to make sure, but waiters and waitresses in Ontario actually only make $9.60/hr minimum wage based on the expectation that they will make tips. This is what I don't agree with--the government shouldn't penalize them because it is assumed that they make tips. Tipping shouldn't be something you depend on at a job. It should be a nice bonus.

    I feel obligated to tip, too, but the difference between a good waitress (ie the waitress at Benny's who knows my name and order after 3 weekends in a row of getting her) is the difference between a 10% tip and a 20% one.

    As Mr. Pink said: I don't believe in it.

  3. I don't have a problem tipping when I get good service, but hate feeling obligated to tip for bad service.

    I used to work at walmart and we were actually not allowed to take tips (not that anyone at walmart ever tips anyways aha...)which was kind of unfair.

  4. Tips are truly an advantage to the restaurant industry and in many ways it helps them have more employees as well as keeps more locations open. To this effect it is hard for me to see tipping as a bad thing.
