Friday, March 22, 2013

Get in the Kitchen

     Is it being sexist when you say men and women are different? I may not believe that all women "belong in the kitchen" but there are some clear differences between the two sexes. Society now expects us to say that men and women are equal, which is true, but we are equal in different ways.

     Some women get offended when men say that they are stronger than women, but it is, for the most part, true. I find women are too sensitive about this issue. I understand that you can argue some woman are very strong, and some men are very weak. But, being stronger is a manly feature. A women that is very strong can be described as masculine, and a weak man can be described as feminine.

    Now before you get insulted! There is nothing wrong with this! All men have some feminine features and all women have masculine features. This is normal. Even the most beautiful, elegant women will have features that can be described as manly. Just the same, every man will have features that can be described as girly.

     Even the most manly of men can cry at a sad movie, this is called "showing their feminine side". Men find it very insulting to be called this by other men. But most women actually find this an attractive feature. Just because men are expected to not have emotions, doesn't mean they don't. It just means society shows them as not having any. More and more now a day, you see romantic movies about men that are very feminine.

    But back to the point. There are features that are described as manly or girly. It doesn't mean you are always being sexist by saying that. I think people are becoming skid-ish now a day because they are afraid what they say will be offensive.

    Women are becoming hypocritical. They complain that "men don't do things for us any more. Chivalry is dead. blah blah blah." But then when a man actually tries to be nice, like carry something for you, women complain that they're strong enough to carry their own stuff and that men are being sexist by assuming that they need help. Get a grip, and make up your mind!

     I think that the social expectation to avoid sexism to women is almost impossible. Let's face it men, we are women, and there is no winning.



  1. I absolutely agree with this post. There is a certain point when the facts must be faced. I understand that there has been a mistreatment of women in society and it continues to exist today. But it can only go so far the other way, there is only so much that can change.

  2. I think society as a whole is quite hypocritical. Everything we want all contradicts itself. Who knows, maybe in the future men will be up in the media fighting for their equal rights. But in these times in most countries, equality between genders is improving. There is still more we can do, but there are many stereotypes that we have to get over first.

    1. I think that would be really interesting to see! Men fighting for their rights? They have always had the upper hand, it would be interesting that's for sure...

  3. I think the whole issue of sexism is that it has a name at all. The fact that women (and it is mainly women) make such an issue over every little thing is why it exists at all. They don't get a job, and it's because they're women; a man is rude to them at a grocery store, and it's because they're women. In order for women to be seen as equal, they have to treat themselves equally.
